Watch the Champions 12.3 event to hear bold steps and progress in tackling the global food crisis that's seeing rapidly rising food prices and concerns over food security. The war in Ukraine, supply chain constraints, inflation, and climate change are creating a dire food situation not seen for over a decade. As millions face hardship, more than one-third of the world’s food is lost or wasted from farm to fork. This annual Champions 12.3 event dives into concrete ways that countries, companies, and financial institutions are reducing food loss and waste in response to this global challenge.
Champions in Attendance
Independent Chairperson of the Council at FAO
Co-Founder and Group CEO, Olam International Limited
Senior Fellow and Director, Food Loss and Waste, World Resources Institute
Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute
Other Attendees
- Máximo Torero, Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization
- Karen Pflug, Chief Sustainability Officer, Ingka Group
- Christina Bauer Plank, Global Brand Vice President, Hellman's
- Richard Swannell, International Director, WRAP
- Martien van Nieuwkoop, Global Director, Agriculture and Food Global Practice,The World Bank
- Ann Vaughan, Senior Advisor for Climate Change, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, USAID