Wiebe Draijer (1965) got his start as a journalist at the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, before moving to management consulting firm McKinsey, where he ultimately became managing director. In 2012 he left the firm to be president of the Social and Economic Council (SER). Two years later, Draijer joined Rabobank, where he is now in his second term as chairman of the managing board. He has a drive to create social impact: “I feel strongly connected to the mission of Rabobank: ‘Growing a better world together.’” During his tenure, Draijer has led Rabobank through a “cooperative renewal,” recommitting the company to its origins and identity as a cooperative bank. His ambition? For Rabobank to be recognized as one of the most impactful social organizations when it celebrates 125 years in 2023.
“I believe the financial sector can become an enabling force behind the transformation we all want.” — Wiebe Draijer
Rabobank: A Meaningful Cooperative
Reducing food loss & waste can highly contribute to a systemic change in food systems. Roughly a third of the world’s food is never eaten. Land, water and resources were used unnecessarily and there was no need for the greenhouse gas emissions. Cooperation is necessary to create and sustain impact. Therefore we involve clients, members, stakeholders & communities.
Rabobank is rooted in agriculture. It was founded by farmers for farmers over 115 years ago. Today, food and agriculture is still at the heart of the bank’s strategy. This is reflected in “Banking for Food,” a vision on a food secure future as well as a strategy outlining the bank’s contribution.
Excellent Customer Focus
There is a solid business case for FLW (WRI, 2016), both in terms of financial return and non-financial impact. Investing in FLW reduction therefore leads to future proof business models. Rabobank can leverage on its existing client base, raising awareness and offering suitable products, services and new concepts and innovations resulting in solid long-term relationships.
We believe that Rabobank can make a difference in connecting (financial) solutions with (client) opportunities, based on FLW hotspots to accelerate the transition of Food Loss & Waste. We plan to share innovative ideas and best practices, like green and blended finance solutions. We’ll look at the success of existing initiatives like our FoodBytes! innovation platform, the Food Waste Challenge in the Netherlands and the sustainable linked loans.
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