About Report

About This Publication

SDG Target 12.3 on Food Loss and Waste: 2024 Progress Report is the ninth in an annual series of updates assessing the world’s progress toward Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 12.3. SDG 12.3 aims to, “by 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.” Prepared on behalf of Champions 12.3, this publication seeks to inform decision-makers in government, business, academia, and civil society about recent advances and what remaining steps need to be addressed if the world is to achieve the target. Previous progress reports (2016–23) can be found on our Publications page. This progress report contains text from the previous editions in the series, with permission of the authors of those editions.


This publication was prepared by Brian Lipinski of the World Resources Institute.


The author thanks the members of Champions 12.3 and its associates for reviewing and providing helpful input on draft versions of this publication. The author acknowledges, in particular, the following individuals for their thorough comments: Stacy Blondin (WRI), Yvette Cabrera (Natural Resources Defense Council), Liz Goodwin (WRI), Craig Hanson (WRI), Swati Hegde (WRI), Jillian Holzer (WRI), Jennifer Kelly (WRAP), Cristina Lisetchi (European Commission), Rebecca Lovelady (Danone), Tom Quested (WRAP), Richard Swannell (WRAP), James Wangu (WRI), and Bartosz Zambrzycki (European Commission).

The author thanks Alex Martin for copyediting and Romain Warnault for publication layout and design.

This publication represents the views of the author alone.


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Lipinski, B., A. Clowes, L. Goodwin, C. Hanson, R. Swannell, and P. Mitchell. 2017. “SDG Target 12.3 on Food Loss and Waste: 2017 Progress Report.” Champions 12.3. https://champions123.org/sites/default/files/2020-09/champions-12-3-2017-progress-report.pdf.

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